[In the matter of the claim of Andrew Olson against the Russian Government.]
Andrew Olson, also known as Andrew Ronning, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I was born in Norway in the year 1853. I have been a citizen of the United States since March 5, 1883. I reside at No. 10 Jackson street, San Francisco, Cal.; I am by occupation a seafaring man. I am the same person who makes claim against the Russian Government under the name of Andrew Ronning. My father’s name was Ole Andreason Ronning, and in accordance with the custom of the country in which I was born, to wit, Norway, I was christened Andrew Olson. I was sometimes called Andrew Ronning in Norway. After I came to San Francisco, and subsequent to receiving my naturalization papers, I found a great many people by the name of Olson in the seafaring business, and in order to avoid confusion, and finding it to be the custom in the United States for the son to take the last name of his father as his own last name, I used the name of Andrew Ronning and shipped on the vessel C. H. White under the said name of Andrew Ronning, and for the same reason I used the name of Andrew Ronning in making my claim against the Russian Government.
I furthermore depose and say that there is no other reason for the change of my name than as above stated.
Notary Public in and for the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, Rooms 4 and 5, Fourth Floor, Mills Building, San Francisco, Cal.