Mr. Hay to Mr. Conger.


(Mr. Hay instructs Mr. Conger to keep in mind at this stage the following points, heretofore partly indicated, and to use all his endeavors to comprise them in settlement:

  • First. Increased intercourse with Chinese Empire under conditions no less beneficial to China than to foreign nations, to the end that peace and order may be perpetuated by building up the prosperity of China.
  • Second. A lump indemnity, to be kept within as moderate limits as possible, in order to assure China’s ability to pay. This point should receive Mr. Conger’s most earnest attention. In the distribution of the indemnity the United States to have just pro rata share based on losses and magnitude of interests.
  • Third. Reorganization of the Chinese foreign office on modern lines. It would be highly desirable to have a minister of foreign affairs who shall speak one European language at least; and who should be in a position to receive his orders from the Emperor.
  • Fourth. Peking to be on the footing of a treaty port with international concessions, of which legation compound capable of defense shall form part.)