Mr. Rockhill to Mr. Hay.

No. 127.]

Sir: The extraordinary mission to Berlin, to express the regrets of the Emperor of China for the assassination of the former German minister here, provided for in article 1 of the Joint Note of December 22 last, expects to sail from Shanghai for Germany on or about July 20, 1901. It is led by the brother of the Emperor, Prince Chün, and consists, all told, of some 40 persons. I am informed that after the completion of its official business, the mission is likely to return to China via the United States and Japan, and a stay of a fortnight, or more, is contemplated in the former country.

Article III of the Joint Note provides for reparation being made by the Chinese Government to that of Japan for the assassination of the chancellor of its legation here. A high Manchu official, Na Tung by name, a former minister of the Tsungli Yamen, and a vice-president of the Board of revenue, will go to Japan during the month of August to express to the Japanese Government the regrets of the Empire of China for the murder.

I am, etc.,

W. W. Rockhill.