The Acting Secretary of State
to the Russian Chargé d’affaires.
of State,
Washington, August 25,
Sir: Referring to your note of August 4 (17), and
to my reply thereto of the 23d instant, concerning a reported resolution of
the admirals of the allied fleets at Taku to interdict the Chinese
plenipotentiary, Li Hung Chang, from communication with the Chinese
authorities in the event of his arrival at Taku, I have now the honor to
inform you that a supplementary report, under date of yesterday, has been
cabled by the United States naval commander in those waters.
Admiral Remey therein states that in a conference with the admirals held on
that day (August 24) it was agreed that the Italian admiral should write to
the dean of the foreign legations in Pekin “for instructions in case Li Hung
Chang should arrive at Taku,” and it was also agreed that, pending a reply
from Pekin, Li Hung Chang should not be allowed to communicate “with shore
Chinese authorities.” Admiral Remey has dissented from the latter
proposition. He further reports that a misunderstanding has existed
concerning the action taken at a prior conference. He learns that the
conference considered that the prohibition to which your note of the 4th
(17th) relates had been agreed upon at a previous meeting, but that was not
the American admiral’s understanding. His objection, made at the time, was
acknowledged and should have been noted with any mention of the proposition,
but in the signed protocol of the meeting there was no formal note nor any
allusion to the matter. At the meeting of August 24 Admiral Remey states
that he would inform his Government of the misunderstanding, and he expects
that the fact of his disapproval will have been notified by the other
commanders to their respective Governments.
The views of the Government of the United States touching the action of the
admirals at Taku have been communicated to the representatives of the United
States in Berlin, Vienna, Paris, London, Rome, Tokyo, and St. Petersburgh
for communication to the governments to which they are respectively
accredited, so that the Russian Government is doubtless by this time advised
of our attitude in the matter.
I inclose for your fuller information a copy of the telegram in question,
which was sent on the evening of August 24.
The views of this Government have also been communicated to Admiral
Be pleased to accept, sir, the renewed assurances of my highest
Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
Telegram sent to the representatives of the United
States in Berlin, Vienna, Paris, London, Borne, Tokyo, and St.
Department of State,
Washington, August 24,
The following note was received by us from the chargé of the Russian
Government at this capital, August 17:
“I have just received a communication from the Imperial Government
informing me of the resolution of the admirals of the allied fleets
interdicting the plenipotentiary
[Page 19]
of the Chinese Government, Li Hung chang, from all communication with
the Chinese authorities in the event of his arrival at Taku.
“This resolution being inexplicable, in view of the fact that all the
powers have recognized the utility of admitting his (Li Hung chang’s)
services, in the eventual negotiations for peace, and especially because
it would be impossible for him to fulfill his mission in the character
of Chinese plenipotentiary if this were done, it would be desirable that
the interested governments should give orders to countermand the
above-mentioned decision.”
Inquiry of Admiral Remey, commanding our fleet at Taku, was first
answered that no such resolution had been adopted. He now cables that
the admirals have agreed to write the dean of the legations in Pekin for
instructions in case Li Hung chang should arrive at Taku, and meantime
not to allow him to communicate with Chinese shore authorities. Remey
dissented from last proposition.
We take the same view expressed in the Russian note. In interests of
peace and effective presentation of just demands of all the powers
against China, it seems important that the Chinese plenipotentiary
should be able to communicate both with his own Government and its
military commanders, whose action will be necessary to any suspension of
hostilities as required in my telegram to you of 22d. Chinese minister
here is without powers or advices. Li Hung chang is prima facie
authorized by imperial decree to negotiate, and is the only
representative of responsible authority in China so far as we are
advised. We have instructed our representative in China in the spirit of
the Russian note.
Any misunderstanding or divergent action on this subject by
representatives of the powers in China would be unfortunate, and we
would be glad to learn from other powers if there are reasons not known
to us which in their judgment should lead to a view different from that
which we take.
You will communicate this to the minister for foreign affairs, inviting
early response.