Mr. Pioda to Mr. Day.

Sir: In virtue of the treaty of friendship, commerce, and extradition between the Swiss Confederation and the United States of America of November 25, 1850, my Government instructs me formally to request through your excellency, as I hereby have the honor to do, that it may please the United States Government to extend to Swiss imports in the United States the concessions stipulated on the 30th ultimo by the United States with France, by means of the arrangement which went into operation on the 1st instant.

My Government would consider a refusal on the part of the United States Government as a violation of the treaty aforesaid, and especially of articles 8, 9, 10, and 12. The most-favored-nation clause, which is contained in those articles, is absolutely unlimited.

It is therefore my duty to ask that it may please the United States Government to give, immediately, the necessary instructions, to the end that Swiss products may enjoy, on entering the territory of the Union, the concessions granted to France in the aforesaid arrangement.

Feeling confident that the United States Government will recognize the justice of the request made by the Government of the Swiss Confederation, and awaiting the communications which your excellency will be pleased to address to me on this subject, I avail myself of this occasion, Mr. Secretary of State, to offer you the assurance, etc.

J. P. Pioda.