Mr. Thomas to Mr. Hay.

No. 107.]

Sir: Referring to your instruction No. 64, of August 5, and my dispatch No. 102, of September 5, last, in reference to the importation of American horse meat into Sweden, I have the honor to inform you that I have just received a note from the minister for foreign affairs under date of October 2, a copy of which, accompanied by a translation, is herewith inclosed, in which Count Douglas states that the minister of the interior, to whom my communication on the subject, a copy of which was inclosed in my No. 102, had been referred, had advised him that he had not failed to take the necessary measures to inform the competent authorities of the facts set forth in my note, viz, that the certificates of inspection of horse meat exported from the United States are signed by veterinarians, and that the inspection is governed by the laws of the United States.

I have, etc.,

W. W. Thomas, Jr.

Count Douglas to Mr. Thomas.

Mr. Minister: By a letter dated September 4, last, you have been pleased to inform this office that the certificates of inspection of horse meat exported from the United States of America are signed by veterinarians, and that the inspection is governed by the laws of the United States.

The minister of the interior, to whom your communication has been referred, has just advised me that he has not failed to take the necessary measures to inform the competent authorities of the facts.

Please accept, etc.,
