Mr. Thomas to Mr. Hay.
Stockholm, June 27, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your instruction No. 58, of June 15, inclosing copy of a letter from the Secretary of Agriculture relative to the exportation of horse meat from the United States to Norway.
Referring also to your instructions No. 51, of March 27, No. 53, of April 5, No. 54, of April 18, and No. 55, of June 5, and the inclosures therein transmitted, especially the dispatches of our consul at Christiania, disclosing the unsatisfactory restrictions and regulations placed upon the importation of American meat products into Norway, it suggests itself to me that it would be advantageous to have a personal conference with Consul Bordewich on the subject.
I will endeavor, therefore, to make such arrangements as will enable me to visit him for that purpose at an early day.
I have, etc.,