Mr. Hay to Mr. Thomas.

No. 55.]

Sir: Referring to the Department’s No. 53 of the 5th and No. 54 of the 18th ultimo, I inclose copy of a dispatch from our consul at Christiania, stating that the regulations for the inspection of imported meats have been modified.

I am, etc.,

John Hay.

Mr. Bordewich to Mr. Hill.

No. 55.]

Sir: Since my last report on the subject, in dispatch No. 51 of date April 14, the Christiania board of health and meat inspector have modified their previous stringent rules relating to the inspection of imported meats, as will be observed from the inclosed published notice, which I send to you with translation.

In an interview which I had with Mr. Bentzen, president of the board, one of the first days in April, I explained to him the careful method employed by American meat inspectors, and I also let him have the use of the last year’s book of the [Page 725] Department of Agriculture, from which much could be learned on the subject. As the rules were changed in our favor soon after, my explanation must have had the desired effect.

I should like to get a copy of the act of Congress of March 3, 1891, relating to meat inspection, as it may become of use later.

Of this wrote in dispatch 51 also.

I may also at this time add that the importation of horse meat is not prohibited in Norway, but it should be sold for what it really is, and it should be subjected to examination like other meats.

I beg, etc.,

Henry Bordewich,
United States Consul.

Official notice.—Notice from the board of health.

In accordance with the provisions of the approved regulations adopted by the Christiania board of health, the board has passed the following resolution:

With every shipment of articles of food which is sent to this city, and in the composition of which enters meat, pork, blood, or interior parts of domestic animals, which has been divided in smaller pieces, it is required that the board be furnished with the necessary proof, as a rule by certificate from a public veterinarian, showing that the food in question is prepared in such manner and from such material that the same is not injurious to the public health.

In cases where such articles of food are imported from abroad, it is required that the veterinarian’s certificate is accompanied by authentication from the police officers (in the place) or from a Norwegian consul, if any such is found in the place. This resolution of the board includes all meat and pork of domestic animals, whether the same is salted, smoked, cooked, or fixed in other manner, provided the same is divided in smaller parts than one-fourth of a whole animal; also tongues, sausage casings, and other parts of and for sausages, or similar of meat, pork, blood, or internal parts of animals prepared articles of food. Therefrom, however, for the time being excepted, pork in the form of hams, shoulders, or sides, when these are salted or smoked. Therefrom also excepted, corned beef or other canned goods packed in tins, provided the same, as far as the United States is concerned, shall be accompanied with inspection certificate from a duly appointed inspector, or his subordinates, under the United States Department of Agriculture, or else will attest from others whom the board may favor with their special confidence.

  • G. E. Bentzen.
  • Hj. Berner.