Mr. Adee to the
Duke de Arcos.
Department of State,
Washington, August 9,
No. 31.]
Sir: Referring to your note of the 20th ultimo
relative to the registration of Spaniards in Cuba, I have the honor to
inclose a copy furnished by the War Department of order No. 107, issued
by the military governor of Cuba.
The Acting Secretary of War is of opinion that this order provides
[Page 715]
all possible facilities for
the purpose. Should, however, you desire that a list of such
registrations be furnished to the Spanish consuls in that island the War
Department will take pleasure in issuing the necessary orders to the
military authorities.
Accept, etc.,
Alvey A. Adee,
Acting Secretary.
Headquarters Division of Cuba,
Habana, July 11, 1899.
No. 107.]
The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the
following order:
- I.
- Spanish subjects, natives of the peninsula of Spain,
residing in Cuba and who desire to preserve their Spanish
nationality, may declare their intention before the mayor of
the municipality in which they live within a period of one
year, dating from the ltth day of April, 1899. After the
lapse of said period they will be understood to have
renounced their right and to have adopted Cuban
- II.
- In the document, which must be drawn up in prescribed form
before the alcalde, there will be set forth:
- 1.
- The name and surname of the interested party, his
age, nationality (specifying the province), civil
status, and profession.
- 2.
- Name of wife and children, should there be any,
and the names of his parents.
- 3.
- The date in which the declaration is made and
signed. The document shall also be subscribed by the
alcalde and the secretary of the
- III.
- These documents shall be drawn up in triplicate—one for
the secretary of state and government, one for file in the
municipality in which it is made, and the other for the
interested party.
- IV.
- Alcaldes shall transmit immediately to the secretary of
state and government the documents of nationalization drawn
up before them, and will be held responsible for the exact
fulfillment of the provisions of this order.
- V.
- Such of the individuals referred to in Article I as reside
in Habana may report to the office of the section of state,
in the department of state and government, to make the
above-mentioned declaration. In this case the document will
be drawn up in duplicate—one for the register of the section
and the other for the interested party.
- VI.
- The general register shall be under the charge of the
proper section of the department of state.
- VII.
- No fees of any character shall be exacted for the
execution of the documents provided for in this
Adna R. Chaffee,
Brigadier-General, Chief of