Mr. Sickles to Mr. Hay.

No. 88.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have to-day received an official communication from the minister for foreign affairs informing me that the following Cuban political prisoners have been set at liberty:

Imprisoned at Ceuta: Carlos Garcia Sierra, Luis Alf aro Pita, Felipe Figueroa, Cecilio Matias Carmenate, Antonio Rodriguez Ruiz, Andres Salsedo Acebo, Arcadio Carbera Echevarria.

Malaga prison: Ramon Acosta y Acosta.

I inclose a copy and accurate translation of the note from the Spanish ministry for foreign affairs.

I have the honor to be, etc.,

Stanton Sickles, Chargé.
No. 57.]

My Dear Sir: In addition to my note dated the 11th instant, with respect to the Cubans who continue to be imprisoned for political offenses at the Spanish penal colonies, I have the honor to inform you that according to advices received from my colleague, the minister of grace and justice, the following prisoners have been set at liberty:

Ceuta Penitentiary: Carlos Garcia Sierra, Luis Alf aro Pita, Felipe Figueroa, Cecilio Matia Carmanate, Antonio Rodriguez Ruiz, Andres Salcedo Acebo, Arcadio Curbera Echevarria.

Malaga prison: Ramon Acosta y Acaota.

I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my distinguished consideration.

Per authorization.

E. Dupuy de Lome,
Under Secretary of State.

The Chargé d’Affaires of the United States.