Mr. Sickles to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Madrid, September 19,
No. 88.]
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have
to-day received an official communication from the minister for foreign
affairs informing me that the following Cuban political prisoners have
been set at liberty:
Imprisoned at Ceuta: Carlos Garcia Sierra, Luis Alf aro Pita, Felipe
Figueroa, Cecilio Matias Carmenate, Antonio Rodriguez Ruiz, Andres
Salsedo Acebo, Arcadio Carbera Echevarria.
Malaga prison: Ramon Acosta y Acosta.
I inclose a copy and accurate translation of the note from the Spanish
ministry for foreign affairs.
I have the honor to be, etc.,
Ministry of
Palace, September 18,
No. 57.]
My Dear Sir: In addition to my note dated
the 11th instant, with respect to the Cubans who continue to be
imprisoned for political offenses at the Spanish penal colonies, I
have the honor to inform you that according to advices received from
my colleague, the minister of grace and justice, the following
prisoners have been set at liberty:
Ceuta Penitentiary: Carlos Garcia Sierra, Luis Alf aro Pita, Felipe
Figueroa, Cecilio Matia Carmanate, Antonio Rodriguez Ruiz, Andres
Salcedo Acebo, Arcadio Curbera Echevarria.
Malaga prison: Ramon Acosta y Acaota.
I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to you the assurances of
my distinguished consideration.
Per authorization.
E. Dupuy de Lome,
Under Secretary of
The Chargé d’Affaires of the United