Mr. Sickles to Mr. Hay.

No. 65.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I called personally upon Senor Silvela, minister of state, three days ago, and requested the early release of Cuban political prisoners confined in Spanish penal colonies. At the same time I asked his excellency to send me at his convenience a complete list with the full names of all these prisoners.

In answer to my official visit to Mr. Silvela I received to-day an official communication from the under secretary of grace and justice, the Marquis del Vadillo, informing me that the president of the audiencia of Cadiz has telegraphed him to the effect that eight Cuban political prisoners have been liberated from the Ceuta penitentiary.

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The civil governor of Cadiz has been instructed to care for the prisoners until the day they are to embark for Cuba.

Orders have likewise been issued to the presidents of the different concerned “audiencias” of Spain to hasten the liberty of the Cuban and Filipino prisoners who have been confined in the different prisons on account of political charges arising from the last colonial insurrections.

No list of names has as yet been received.

I have, etc.,

Stanton Sickles, Chargé.

Marquis del Vadillo to Mr. Sickles.

My Dear Sir: I have the honor of informing your excellency that, according to a telegram I have received from the president of the audiencia of Cadiz, eight Cubans who were prisoners at Ceuta are this day released, the civil governor having been advised by telegraph so that assistance may be given them until the time of their embarkation.

All the concerned audiencias have also been notified by telegraph with a view of hastening the release of the Cubans and Filipinos who may be imprisoned for political reasons connected with the last colonial wars.

I seize this happy opportunity of renewing to your excellency assurances of my highest consideration.

Marquis del Vadillo,
Under Secretary.