Mr. Sickles to Mr. Hay.

No. 52.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I have received to-day an official communication from the minister of foreign affairs, acquainting me with the issue of a royal decree, transmitted through the ministry of state to the presidency of the council of ministers, urging the necessity of directing the most pressing orders for the immediate [Page 702] release of all Cubans and Filipinos who may be found in the Spanish prisons, on account of the insurrections of Cuba and the Philippines.

The president of the council of ministers has already given the necessary instructions, and I am assured by his excellency the minister of state that the provisions of article 6 of the treaty of Paris will within a very few days be carried out by His Majesty’s Government.

I am also officially informed by the minister of state that the Cuban political prisoners, Antonio Capablanca, Norberto Rojas, Julian Alvarez, and Hafael Joya were furnished with passports to Cadiz on the 8th instant, from which port they sailed for Cuba on the 10th instant.

I inclose a copy and accurate translation of the Spanish official note.

I have, etc.,

Stanton Sickles, Chargé.

Mr. Dupuy de Lome to Mr. Sickles.

My Dear Sir: The notes of your legation Nos. 26 and 30, of the 4th and 7th instants, giving the names of some Cuban prisoners at Cartagena and Ceuta, have been duly received by this ministry. The necessary orders have at once been given to the proper quarters for the immediate release and transportation to Cuba of the individuals named in the above notes, as provided by article 6 of the treaty of Paris.

A royal order has been transmitted by this department on the 5th instant to the ministry of the council of ministers, urging the necessity of issuing most pressing orders for the immediate release of all Cubans and Filipinos who may be found in Spanish prisons on account of the insurrection of Cubans and the Phillipines. The president of the council of ministers has already given the necessary instructions, and in view thereof I can assure you that the provisions of article 6 of the treaty of Paris will within very few days be carried out by His Majesty’s Government.

The Cubans Antonio Capablanca, Norberto Rojas, Julian Alvarez, and Rafael Joya were furnished with passports to Cadiz on the 8th instant, from which port they must have already sailed for Cuba.

I avail myself, etc.

Per authorization:

E. Dupuy de Lome.