Mr. Hill to Mr. King.
Washington, September 27, 1899.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch No. 45, of the 9th ultimo, inclosing a copy of the judgment of the arbitrators in the case of the assault on Vice-Consul-General E. V. Kellett by Siamese soldiers. You indicate on the copy the recommendations of the arbitrators that have been carried into effect and those that have not, and you recommend that the case be permitted to stand for the present just where it is, as, in your judgment, this will be for the best interests of the Government. In reply, I have to inform you that the Department was under the impression that the decision of the arbitrators had been carried into effect long ago. As it has not been, however, the Department does not feel called upon to take the matter up at this late day, and it concurs in your recommendation to let the matter stand for the present just where it is.
I am, etc.,