Mr. Hay to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, February 16,
No. 454.]
Sir: I inclose copy of a letter from Messrs.
Briesen & Knauth, of New York City, complaining that the trade-marks
and symbols of United States citizens are improperly appropriated in the
Argentine Republic.
You will give the subject attention in the way of inquiry and, if
convenient occasion offers, of suggestion to the minister for foreign
affairs in the direction of an understanding which would remove or
lessen the ground of complaint.
I am, etc.,
Briesen &
Knauth to Mr. Hay.
York, February 8,
Sir: Clients of ours, large exporters of
ware made in the United States to South American countries,
especially to Brazil and the Argentine Republic, complain to us that
citizens of these countries are permitted to bodily appropriate and
register as their own the trade-marks and symbols of United States
citizens and to thus shut out importations from this country or else
force the importer to buy back from them the right which is justly
his own.
We write to ask if any confirmation or denial of this alleged state
of facts is obtainable through your Department, and to request that
the United States diplomatic or consular officers in these countries
be communicated with on this subject, with the view to determining
whether the practice complained of exists, and whether, if it does,
there is any adequate remedy.
The favor of an answer is respectfully requested.
Very respectfully,