Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.

No. 363.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatches Nos. 356 and 357, of the 27th and 28th ultimo, concerning Mr. Mariscal’s visit to Chicago as the representative of President Diaz, I have the honor to report that about noon on the 29th ultimo I received a telegraphic dispatch from Gen. Chambers McKibben, dated San Antonio, Tex., reading as follows:

Have been delegated by President to meet Señor Mariscal, minister of foreign affairs of Mexico, at United States boundary, Eagle Pass. Request information when train is expected to arrive at Eagle Pass.

Commanding Department of Texas.

Whereupon I immediately asked of the foreign office the information required, and having been informed that Mr. Mariscal would leave on the night of the 30th ultimo and arrive at Eagle Pass on morning of October 4, I wired General McKibben the same day, as, follows:

Mariscal will arrive Eagle Pass morning of October 4.

Mr. Mariscal, being a sufferer from insomnia, previously informed me of his intention to have his train lay over at nights between Mexico and the border, which accounts for his long itinerary in Mexico.

I have, etc.,

Powell Clayton.