Mr. Clayton to Mr. Hay.

No. 300.]

Sir: Referring to my No. 255, of the 29th ultimo, stating that I had communicated in a note to the Mexican Government the instructions [Page 501] contained in your No. 178, of the 19th ultimo, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy and translation of Mr. Mariscal’s reply stating that he has transmitted my note to the governor of Chihuahua that he may communicate it to the judge who is trying Mrs. Rich’s case, with the necessary recommendations that the indications therein contained may be properly regarded.

I have, etc.,

Powell Clayton.

Mr. Mariscal to Mr. Clayton.

Mr. Ambassador: In due time I received your note of the 27th ultimo, relative to the delivery of Mrs. Mattie D. Rich, whose extradition was granted by the Government of the United States.

In reply I have the honor to say to your excellency that I have transmitted your said note to the governor of the State of Chihuahua, that he may communicate it to the judge who is trying Mrs. Rich’s case, with the necessary recommendations that the indications therein contained may be properly regarded.

I renew, etc.,

Igno. Mariscal.