Baron Fava to Mr. Hay.


Mr. Secretary of State: In confirming, in your kind note of the 5th instant, your preceding communications relative to sending a special Federal agent to Louisiana, you were pleased to inform me that it was decided to send such agent in order to ascertain, through a reliable person, the facts connected with the lynching of the Italian subjects at Tallulah, and, also, because the relations between Mr. Romano and Governor Foster were, in many respects, unsatisfactory.

Thanking you for your courteous communication, which I did not fail to transmit to my Government, I am confident that the said confidential agent has already succeeded in establishing such friendly relations with the Louisiana authorities as to expedite their action in the attainment of the ends of justice by means of the arrest and prosecution of the lynchers.

This is, I need not repeat it, the chief and most just wish of the King’s Government. * * *

Accept, etc.,
