Mr. Hay to Baron de Fava.

No. 549.]

Excellency: Replying to your note of January 7, in which your excellency requests that the facilities to be offered to delegates sent by the Italian consul-general at New York to the Barge Office for the purpose of meeting and assisting immigrants from Italy be clearly defined, I have the honor to state that the Secretary of the Treasury has expressed his regret that, owing to the change now going on at Ellis Island and the narrow quarters at the Barge Office, the Treasury Department is unable to indicate how and where representatives of foreign countries are to meet immigrants. The Secretary of the Treasury adds that as soon as the buildings at Ellis Island are completed and the immigration station is removed thereto, it is hoped the Treasury Department may be able to make such arrangements for the convenience and comfort of admitted immigrants during the time they remain on the island as will enable their friends to communicate with and care for them. When that time arrives, it may be possible to accommodate all who are philanthropically or benevolently inclined to assist the immigrants in securing employment and in protecting them from the rapacity and greed of those who would exploit their labor or take advantage of them.

Accept, etc.,

John Hay.