Mr. Hay to Baron de Fava.
Washington, December 26, 1899.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of December 21, in which you state that the Italian immigration bureau has been installed in an annex of the consulate-general of Italy at New York, and that after the 1st of January next persons delegated by the consul-general of Italy at New York will proceed to the Barge Office on the arrival of immigrants to give them what assistance they may need.
The desire of your excellency that these persons be admitted to the Barge Office on the same footing as that accorded to the Austro-Hungarian consulate at New York has been expressed to the Secretary of the Treasury and is receiving his consideration. The urgency of a decision has also been represented, and a reply has been promised in time to be acted upon by the 1st of January next. The Secretary of the Treasury has expressed his intention to accord to the representatives of the Italian Government every privilege extended to any other.
Accept, etc.,