Baron Fava to Mr. Hay.
Washington, D. C., December 21, 1899.
Mr. Secretary: By your note of the 6th you have been kind enough to express to me your regret that the Federal Government was not able to revoke the measures which it had taken for the abolition, on and after the 1st of January next, of the Italian bureau of immigration established at Ellis Island. I also regret to learn, Mr. Secretary, that the reiterated requests of my Government for the maintenance of the said bureau, or at least for the suspension of a measure which was taken suddenly and without any previous notice, contrary to received usages among friendly Governments, have been without effect.
As it is not possible, however, to leave our immigrants without the assistance to which they have the right, the Royal Government has already expressed, through the kindness of His Excellency Mr. Draper, its confidence that the Federal Government will be good enough to facilitate the measures which I shall be able to take to attenuate the consequences resulting from the abolition of the bureau in question.
It is in this confidence that it has authorized me to install the said bureau in an annex of the consulate-general of Italy at New York, under the direction of which it will be able to continue its beneficent and humane functions.
After the 1st of January next the persons delegated by the consul-general of Italy at New York will proceed to the Barge Office on the arrival of immigrants to give them what assistance they shall need.
I am certain that the Secretary of the Treasury will not object to the admission to the Barge Office of those delegated by the Italian consul-general on the same footing of admission which has been accorded for a long time to the representative of the Austro-Hungarian consulate at New York. It is not necessary to say that the functions of the delegates of the Italian consulate will be exactly the same as those exercised by the delegate of the Austro-Hungarian consulate.
Begging you to let me have an answer on this subject, an answer which is urgent on account of the very brief delay which separate us from the 30th of December,
I have the honor, etc.,