Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December 5, 1899
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Hay.
Guatemala and Honduras,
Guatemala, January 30, 1899.
Sir: Referring to Department’s cablegram, dated December 6, 1898, and my No. 132, dated January 28, 1899, relative to presenting my [Page 358] original credentials to the executive of Honduras, I have the honor to transmit herewith inclosed additional communications received, as follows:
Two autograph letters from the President of Honduras to President William McKinley.
Translation of office copies of same.
Translation of private letter from the President of Honduras to Mr. Hunter.
Translation of decree recognizing Mr. Hunter as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Honduras.
I have, etc.,
Mr. Ugarte to Mr. Hunter.
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Tegucigalpa, January 19, 1899.
Sir: Inclosed I have the honor of remitting to your excellency the following documents:
Two autograph letters of the President of the Republic in answer to the two of the President of the United States.
One private letter from the President of the Republic addressed to your excellency.
Two copies of the autographic letters, and one decree recognizing your excellency in the elevated capacity of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to this Government.
I am happy on this occasion to address to your excellency my sincere congratulations for the merited proof of confidence which the Government of the United States has evinced toward your excellency, intrusting you with a mission so honorable, and to protest to your excellency the sentiments of my distinguished consideration.
The President of Honduras to the President of the United States.
Great and Good Friend: Your Excellency’s autographic letter has been sent me, in which you are pleased to communicate to me that the Hon. Mr. W. Godfrey Hunter, a distinguished citizen of that country, has been accredited to my Government in the capacity of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America.
Your Excellency adds that Mr. Hunter is well informed in regard to the respective interests of both countries, and of the sincere desire of Your Excellency to cultivate in its broadest sense the friendship which has so long existed between them; and manifests the confidence which the character and ability of the person appointed inspire, in believing that he will work for the interests and prosperity of the two Governments.
In answer, I manifest to Your Excellency that Mr. Hunter had not been received before by my Government, in his elevated mission, because Honduras, by virtue of the agreement of Anapala, had resigned her sovereignty to a diet in charge of the foreign affairs, and which, in consequence, had the exclusive faculty of receiving diplomatic representatives.
This sovereignty having been resumed anew by this Republic, I take the greatest pleasure in receiving Mr. Hunter in the high office with which he has been honored [Page 359] and I will give him entire faith and credit in the discharge of the mission which has been intrusted to him, aiding him in all possible ways in the greatest success in his labors, especially in that part which conduces to the broadening of the cordial relations which fortunately exist between Honduras and the United States.
Loyal and good friend,
- P. Bonilla,
- Angel Ugarte.
Exact copy of original:
The President of Honduras to the President of the United States.
Great and Good Friend: The Hon. Mr. W. Godfrey Hunter has remitted to me the autographic letter of Your Excellency, dated November 16, 1897, in which Your Excellency is pleased to inform me of the recall of Mr. Macgrane Coxe, who discharged with such prudence the mission of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States in Honduras, he having resigned for personal reasons the above-mentioned office.
It gives me satisfaction to be able to assure Your Excellency that Mr. Macgrane Coxe, during the time of his mission, dedicated his efforts to bring about the good understanding and cordial relations which have happily existed and still exist between the Governments of Honduras and the United States, and in his personality made himself worthy of the esteem and appreciation of this Government by his unquestionable merits.
Loyal and good friend,
- P. Bonilla.
- Angel Ugarte.
Exact copy of original:
Mr. Bonilla to Mr. Hunter.
Tegucigalpa, January 18, 1899.
Mr. Minister: Through the agency of the secretary of foreign affairs your excellency’s esteemed official communication of December 24 last, including the autographic letter of the most excellent sir, the President of the United States of America, accrediting your excellency as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to my Government, has been received.
I regret as well as your excellency the fact that unavoidable official duties have prevented your excellency from presenting your credentials in person, and I entertain the hope of seeing the speedy fulfillment of your excellency’s promise in order that I may be able to receive you with the cordiality and honor due the representative of a friendly nation with which Honduras takes pleasure in cultivating friendly relations.
I am grateful to your excellency for the benevolent manner in which you judge my administration in matters relative to the progress of Honduras, and I can assure your excellency that one of the principal things which has received the attention of the Government actually presiding is the maintenance of a good, friendly intelligence with other nations, and for the same reasons your excellency will find all possible facilities in the discharge of your high and important mission.
I also received the inclosed autographic letter of the most excellent sir, the President, Mr. McKinley, referring to the recall of Mr. Macgrane Coxe, your excellency’s distinguished predecessor. The minister of foreign relations will transmit to your excellency, along with the present communication, the copies of my answer to the two autographic letters.
I take this opportunity of protesting to your excellency the sentiments of my most distinguished consideration.
Mr. Ugarte to Mr. Hunter.
Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Tegucigalpa, January 19, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor of transcribing to your excellency the decree which says:
Tegucigalpa, January 19, 1899.
In view of the credentials remitted by the Hon. Mr. W. Godfrey Hunter, by which he is accredited to this Government in the capacity of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of America, the President of the Republic decrees:
To hold the Hon. W. Godfrey Hunter as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, and to command that he be shown all the honors and distinction which correspond to his elevated position. Let it be communicated.
The Secretary of State in the Department
of Foreign Relations.
Angel Ugarte.
Please accept, Mr. Minister, the assurance of my most distinguished consideration, with which I subscribe myself,
Your excellency’s most obedient servant,