Mr. Hay to Lord Pauncefote.
Washington, November 16, 1899.
Excellency: I have the honor to send you, for your information, and such action as you may deem appropriate, copy of a dispatch1 just received from the United States minister at La Paz, in regard to the continued use of his good offices for the protection of British interests in Bolivia during the absence of a representative of Her Majesty’s Government.
As respects the question of recognizing the new revolutionary Government of Bolivia, Mr. Bridgman has been instructed to enter into relations with it, when it shall appear to be established in control of the machinery of administration and in a position to fulfill its international obligations. At the date of the last dispatches from Mr. Bridgman, October 20, he was deferring action upon that instruction until the constitutional assembly should have convened. By a telegram, dated October 25, I have since learned that General Pando was on that day elected President of Bolivia, and I have little doubt that Mr. Bridgman will have soon carried out the instructions sent him in regard to the recognition of General Pando’s government by the United States.
I have, etc.,
- Not printed.↩