Sir Julian Pauncefote to Mr. Hay.
Washington, March 4, 1899.
Dear Mr. Hay: I called at the Department of State this afternoon to inform you of the reply which I had just received from Lord Salisbury to the kind offer of the President to convey the remains of the late Lord Herschell to England in a vessel of the United States Navy. Lord Salisbury telegraphs that, while Her Majesty’s Government appreciate in the highest degree the respect shown to Lord Herschell’s memory by that gracious proposal, they are unable to avail themselves of it, as arrangements have already been made with the family for the conveyance of the remains in a British ship of war.
Accordingly Her Majesty’s ship Talbot, which has been detached for that service, will be at New York on Monday, and all preparations have been made by her commander for carrying out this mournful duty.
I am desired to convey to the President the cordial thanks of Her Majesty’s Government.
I remain, etc.,