Mr. White to Mr. Hay.
Berlin, November 3, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to report that on Tuesday last, that being the weekly reception day at the foreign office, I called on Count von Bülow and found that he was absent and that Mr. von Derenthall was in charge.
Pursuant to your instructions I expressed to him the especial satisfaction of our Government at the readmission to the Empire of the New York Life Insurance Company, and gave him to understand that we earnestly hoped that the negotiations regarding other companies may be equally successful.
I also, pursuant to the same instructions, requested him to make this feeling on the part of our Government known to the Prussian minister of the interior, Mr. von Rheinbaben.
I also took the occasion to express the satisfaction of the Administration and of the American people generally at the reception which [Page 292] was given by the Emperor and the imperial chancellor to ex-President Harrison and Mrs. Harrison during their stay here.
I am, etc.,