Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay.
Berlin, August 9, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt by the embassy, this morning, of your cipher telegram, as follows:
The Prussian commissioners have about concluded their examination of the insurance companies in New York, and it is understood their report will be very friendly to our American companies. It is to be hoped that the report will be favorably received at home, and that it may be the means of reinstating these companies on a solid foundation. Whatever you can properly do within your sphere to bring about [Page 289] a good relation of the Government with the American insurance companies will be rendering a valuable service to the country. It might be made known, if it has not already been done, that we appreciate the sending of the commission to examine American insurance companies as an act of friendly and courteous consideration;
and to inclose herewith a copy of a note which was at once addressed to the German foreign office, informing it that the subject of the readmission of the American life insurance companies to do business in Prussia is one to which the United States Government attaches great importance.
I have, etc.,