Mr. Porter to Mr. Hay.

No. 555.]

Referring to my No. 537 of September 14, informing the Department that I had again communicated with the foreign office with reference to the Anthony Pollok prize, and transmitted copies of the printed circular received with your No. 658, I now send a copy and translation of a note from Mr. Delcassé in reply to my communication.

The minister states that the circular will be given to the press, and that the French commissioner-general will have an understanding with Mr. Peck for the organization of the competition.

I am, etc.,

Horace Porter.

Mr. Delcassé to Mr. Porter.

Mr. Ambassador: Your excellency has been good enough to inform me, by two letters of the date of May 27 and September 7 last, of the determination taken by the heirs of Mr. Anthony Pollok for the founding of a prize of 100,000 francs destined to reward the best life-saving apparatus in case of an accident at sea.

Your excellency has sent to me at the same time three copies of notice given out by the Government of the United States on the same subject, asking me to assure it the greatest possible publicity, and to let you know what measures the Government of the Republic means to take for the organization of the competition where the award of the “Anthony Pollok” prize will be decided.

The minister of commerce, whom I desired to consult, has just informed me, and I have the honor to advise your excellency of it, that his department has caused to be given to the press the public communications which are necessary.

On the other hand, Mr. Picard, in accord with the commissioner-general of the United States, has made a project of ruling, relative to the organization of the competition, for the judgment of the apparatus exhibited and for the award of the prize. This project of ruling will be rendered definite upon the return of the commissioner of the United States, who is now traveling, and will be communicated to the interested exhibitors.

Accept, etc.,
