Mr. Powell to Mr. Hay.
Port au Prince, Haiti, November 11, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to state that the affairs of the Santo Domingo Republic are gradually assuming a definite shape. The Congress of the Republic, which had been summoned by the provisional government to meet in extraordinary session, had its first meeting on November 7.
Mr. Jimenez has been elected, and will be installed on November 15, as president of the Republic. It is too early as yet to state whether this will bring tranquillity to the Republic.
The national paper currency that was issued by the late administration without any guaranty of its future redemption is gradually being retired, American gold, silver, and nickel taking its place; in fact our paper currency being received on a par with our metallic currency.
I have taken no steps in the direction of the recognition of the new government until I have received more definite information from the capital, or from the Department.
I have, etc.,