Mr. Wu to Mr. Hay.

No. 152.]

Sir: I have heretofore had occasion to address you respecting the condition of Chinese subjects in and resorting to the Philippine Islands, and I regret that I have now to add to these very serious complaints a new one of an enlarged and aggravated character. I am informed by cablegram just received from the imperial consul-general at Manila that not only the laws of the United States as to the restriction of Chinese immigration are applied in those islands in all their strictness, but that they are also enforced against merchants and others of the exempt class, and that only those who have been former residents are permitted to land. I inclose herewith a copy of the cablegram referred to.

I feel it my duty upon this occasion to renew the protest which I presented to you on this subject in my note of September 12 last, remains unanswered by your Department, and in the most solemn manner to enter the protest of my Government against this new act of the United States military commander, which I feel sure you will agree with me is in direct violation of treaty stipulations and unwarranted by any law of the United States.

I have to ask that instructions be sent to Major-General Otis to cease the violation of the treaty of 1894 by the exclusion of merchants and others of the exempt classes mentioned in article 3 of said treaty. I trust that I can rely upon you to exert your good offices to induce the Secretary of War to give instructions to General Otis to this effect, even if as a war measure it may be deemed expedient to temporarily exclude Chinese laborers from the islands, which, however, I respectfully submit no special circumstances have arisen to call for.

Accept, etc.,

Wu Ting-fang.
[Page 216]

Translation of a cablegram from the Chinese consul-general at Manila to the Chinese minister at Washington, dated November 15, 1899, and received the same day.

Recently all Chinese, whether laborers or merchants, coming (to Manila) by vessels are subjected to investigation. Former residents only are permitted to land. Commencing from to-day Chinese leaving port are required to be photographed before being granted return permits by customs officials. These restrictions work hardship. Please protest.