Mr. Hay to Mr. Wu.
Washington, February 6, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of February 3, in which you ask, for the information of your Government, what policy the United States Government intends or is likely to adopt in dealing with the question of Chinese immigration to the Philippine islands, particularly during the period of military occupancy of those territories.
The subject is having the most careful consideration of this Government, but until the military occupancy of the United States, now confined to certain limited areas, is extended, and until fuller consideration can be given to the matter in the light of the inquiry to be forth-with set on foot by the Philippines Commission, which has been appointed to investigate the condition of the islands, I shall be unable to make definite response to your inquiry.
I shall send a copy of your note to the presiding officer of the Philippines Commission for his information.
Accept, etc.,