Mr. Herdliska to Mr. Hay.
Vienna, March 4, 1899.
Sir: Supplementary to Mr. Tower’s dispatch No. 116, of the 25th of January, 1899, reporting, according to instructions, upon the case of Aaron Kenig, a naturalized American citizen, who was arrested in Galicia upon the charge of aiding an Austrian subject to evade his military duty, and who was deprived by the Austrian authorities at Szczakowa, Galicia, at the time of his arrest of his money, consisting of about $180, and his American passport, I have now the honor to report to you that I have received from the foreign office, in reply to the note dated the 6th of January, 1899, addressed to the Count Goluchowski, in which Mr. Tower asked that justice be done to this American citizen without further delay, an official note, dated the 2d of March, 1899—a translation of which is respectfully submitted herewith—in which the minister of foreign affairs informs me that a communication has been received by him from the Imperial and Royal ministry of justice of Austria announcing that the council of the circuit court at Zloczow, Galicia, at a session held on the 11th of February, 1899, decided, upon motion of the State’s attorney, to withdraw the action brought against Aaron Kenig and to return to him the money and his passport which were taken from him.
I have, etc.,