Mr. Adee to Mr. Yang Yü.
Washington, August 16, 1895.
My Dear Sir: You are doubtless aware of the recently reported occurrence at Kutien, in the province of Fuhkien, where a number of British subjects were killed by a mob and an American woman wounded, [Page 110] the attack being accompanied by destruction of property belonging to the respective residents.
In view of this and of the intention of the British Government to send certain officials to the scene of the massacre to investigate the facts connected therewith, and upon the intimation that the concurrence of the United States in such ascertainment of the truth of the case as an interested party would be appropriate and acceptable, this Government, having due regard to the interests of its citizens lawfully pursuing their accustomed avocations in China under the sanction of treaty and usage, has instructed the United States minister, Mr. Denby, to appoint the United States consul at Foochow and an officer of one of the United States ships on the Asiatic station as concurrently members of the investigating commission.
It is not doubted that Mr. Denby, under his standing instructions and in view of recent precedent, has made proper demand upon the Chinese Government for adequate protection of our law-abiding citizens there and elsewhere in the Empire and for the due punishment of all concerned in the occurrence at Kutien; and it is not doubted that the response of your Government will be found prompt and efficacious and will include the punishment of any high provincial officials to whose apathy or delinquency the occurrence of these deplorable outbreaks may be largely attributable.
I have the pleasure to communicate the foregoing to you in this unofficial way, and under due reserve, for your information.
Very truly, yours,
Acting Secretary