Mr. Adee to Lord Gough.
Washington, September 6, 1895.
My Lord: A response to your note of August 20, 1895, has been deferred by reason of the consideration necessarily to be given to the important proposition of Her Majesty’s Government that a provisional [Page 724] determination of convenient points on the one hundred and forty-first meridian, which forms the treaty boundary line between Alaska and Canada, should be agreed upon between the two Governments, without prejudice, however, to the rights of either party when at a later stage a joint delimitation of the line shall be made.
In view of the suggestion of your note that the Government of the United States would perhaps be willing to share the cost of the preliminary survey heretofore made and now making by Mr. William Ogilvie, and of the fact that action by Congress would be necessary to confirm and carry out an understanding in that regard, I have the honor to inquire whether the proposed survey could not be delayed until after Congress has had an opportunity to act upon the alternative proposition for a joint survey, and to make the proper appropriation therefor. If it could be so delayed, the Department of State would undertake to bring the matter to the attention of Congress immediately upon the assembling of that body.
I have, etc.,
Acting Secretary.