Mr. Olney to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, November 8, 1895.
Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 26th ultimo, by which you inform me, under Article XXXIV of the general act of the conference of Berlin, that the territory on the coast of the African continent known as Amatongaland, lying between the British colony of Zululand, the Portuguese possessions, and the Indian Ocean, has been formally placed under the protectorate of Her Britannic Majesty.
Until the United States shall, by subsequent accession and ratification of the general act of the conference of Berlin, in the manner therein provided, become a party to the stipulations thereof, it will be impossible to determine the due and proper weight to be given by this Government to the claim which you have thus communicated.
I have, etc.,