Sir Julian
Pauncefote to Mr. Gresham.
Washington, January 30,
Sir: The Government of the Dominion are anxious
to obtain authoritative information in regard to the customs duties
levied by the United States authorities upon booms of rough timber, used
for the purpose of confining logs while being towed into United States
harbors. I have the honor to forward herewith copy of an approved minute
of the privy
[Page 698]
council relative
to the matter in question, which explains the nature of the information
desired, and I should be much obliged if you could cause me to be
supplied with the particulars required.
I have, etc.,
Extract from a report of the committee of the
honorable the privy council, approved by his excellency on the
14th January, 1895.
The minister of trade and commerce recommends that an inquiry be
addressed through the usual channel to the United States Government
asking authoritative information as to whether under existing United
States customs laws duty is exacted on booms manufactured in and
imported from Canada, when such booms are being used for the purpose
of inclosing and confining logs or timber while being towed into
United States harbors, it being understood that such booms are
constructed from rough timber or logs of Canadian growth, flattened
at the ends, through which holes are bored for the iron or steel
chains or other fastenings to pass through, which hold them together
and which form a part thereof; and further as to what if any
regulations have been adopted in regard thereto.
The committee advise that your excellency be moved to forward a
certified copy of this minute, if approved, to Her Majesty’s chargé
d’affaires at Washington.
John J. McGee,
Clerk of the Privy Council.