Mr. Thompson to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Petropolis, November 19,
1895. (Received Dec. 20.)
No. 440.]
Sir: The diplomatic corps having been informed
by the minister for foreign affairs that the President would receive
them on the 15th of November, the anniversary of the proclamation of the
Republic, they attended in a body. As senior member of the corps and on
its behalf, I addressed the inclosed congratulatory remarks, to which
the President replied, a copy of which is also transmitted herewith.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Remarks by Mr. Thompson.
On behalf of my colleagues of the diplomatic corps, whom it is my
highly esteemed privilege to present to your excellency on this
pleasant occasion, and on my own behalf, I have the honor to
[Page 75]
you, Mr.
President, On the recurrence of this, the sixth anniversary of the
proclamation of the Republic, and the auspicious opening of the
second year of your excellency’s administration of the Government of
the United States of Brazil.
This, Mr. President, is a richly endowed country; prolific in natural
resources, as it is great within the confines of its territorial
boundaries, and we regard with interest and pleasure the development
of its great agricultural, mineral, and other productions.
My colleagues and myself rejoice that within the year the blessed
mantle of peace has spread over this beautiful land, and unite in
the hope that your excellency may live long to enjoy the fruits of
that wisdom which has contributed to the life, sustenance, and
growth of the Republic, and distinguished your excellency in the
affairs of the Government.
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Remarks by President Moraes.
The congratulatory words which you have directed to me in the name of
the illustrious diplomatic corps, in connection with which you enjoy
the signal privilege of its dean, and in your own name, Mr.
Minister, imposes upon me the double duty of thanking you.
The sixth anniversary of the Republic, and the commencement of the
second year of my government, are motives for the expression of
sympathy for it and of good wishes for its President.
In truth its riches are great, its territory is vast; the
advancement, however, of all these, the cooperation which should
contribute to the attainment of the necessities of civilization,
depend upon the original condition of peace, which ought to be
founded upon the sentiment of right within the country and in
international relations without.
It should depend neither upon the curtailment of liberty, nor upon
losing sight of the position held by Brazil in the society of
civilized nations.
Happily—and pleasant to me are the references which you deem worthy
to make, Mr. Minister—I have had the foresight not to forget this
duty; but at this moment permit me to say to you that the hopes you
entertain will not be disappointed, and that this result will not be
obtained by the actual President of the Republic—mere accident in
the life of a people—but by the energy of this nation, who will live
progressing, through the consciousness of their responsibility, and
to you, thus manifesting my thanks, I make sincere and cordial
wishes for the prosperity of the nations which you, Mr. Minister,
and your worthy colleagues with so much honor and brilliancy
represent on this occasion of joy for my country, the United States
of Brazil.