Mr. Bayard to Mr.
of the United States,
London, August 20,
No. 495.]
Sir: For transmission to your colleague, the
Secretary of the Navy, I have the honor to inclose herewith two copies
of a Blue Book “Report on the rule of the road at sea,” which was to-day
issued from the office of publication.
It must be regretted that a postponement of this important subject has
been resolved by the select committee of the House of Commons, by which
decision an absence of all fixed understanding internationally is,
unhappily, caused.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 495.]
The select committee appointed to consider the objections which have
been raised to the adoption by order in council of rule 15 of the
revised international regulations for preventing collisions at sea,
dealing with sound signals in fog, as suggested by the Washington
conference, and considered by the maritime powers (including any
objections which may be taken to that rule, having regard to the
sound signals prescribed by rule 28), have agreed to the following
The committee, in respect of the short time which remains for the
consideration of their report during the present session, resolve to
report the evidence to the House, and to express an opinion that a
committee should be appointed, as soon as practicable, in the next
session of Parliament for the purpose of considering the evidence
and reporting to the House.