Lord Gough to Mr. Olney.
Newport, R. I., October 10, 1895.
Sir: With reference to my note of the 28th ultimo, in which I stated that Rear-Admiral Stephenson would be obliged if arrangements could be made for the necessary witnesses being directed to attend at Victoria to give evidence in the case of the seizure of the Shelby, and to your reply of the 3d instant, I have now the honor to inform you that I am in receipt of a telegram from Rear-Admiral Stephenson on the subject.
Admiral Stephenson is anxious to secure the presence at Victoria of the commanders of the U. S. ships Corwin and Rush, and other officers who can give evidence regarding the seizure of the sealing schooners Shelby and Beatrice and E. B. Marvin.
In the case of the commander and officers of the U. S. S. Corwin, Admiral Stephenson telegraphs that their immediate presence is desired, whereas in the case of the officers of the Rush, their testimony as witnesses will not be necessary for a period of from two to three weeks.
I have, etc.,