Mr. Uhl to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, April 30, 1895.
Excellency: Referring to your note of the 17th instant, asking to be informed whether the catch of seals by the ten American vessels in the North Pacific during the year 1894, which formed the subject of the statement prepared by the United States Treasury Department in February last, was made in east or west longitude, I have the honor to state that the Department is advised by the Acting Secretary of the Treasury that the pelagic sealing of said vessels was carried on in west longitude, that is to say, to the eastward of the meridian of 180° from Greenwich; and that there is no record as to the operations of the schooner H. C. Wahburg, but it is assumed that they were conducted as were those of the remainder of the fleet.
I have, etc.,
Acting Secretary.