Mr. Runyon to Mr. Olney.

No. 355.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of a note to-day addressed by me to the Imperial foreign office, relative to an indorsement [Page 540] made on a passport issued by the Department of State to one Jacob Malin Weiler, by the local police officials of Sorau, Prussia, stating that Mr. Weiler had been expelled from Prussian territory in March, 1894. Our consul at Leipsic, at which place Mr. Weiler now is, states that the cause of the expulsion was that Mr. Weiler was a Mormon, but of the expulsion no complaint has been made. The value of the passport has, however, been so impaired by this indorsement—Mr. Weiler stating that on account of it he has met with continual difficulties—that he deemed it expedient to apply for a new one, although the one held had not expired.

Under the circumstances, I felt it my duty to bring the matter to the attention of the German Government in order, if possible, to prevent for the future the making, by any German official, of similar indorsements upon other American passports.

I have, etc.,

Theodore Runyon
[Inclosure in No. 355.]

Mr. Runyon to Baron Marschall.

The undersigned, ambassador, etc., of the United States of America, has the honor to inclose herewith, with the request that it be ultimately returned, to His Excellency Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, Imperial secretary of state for foreign affairs, a passport issued by the Department of State at Washington, to Mr. Jacob Malin Weiler, a citizen of the United States of America. As will appear by inspection, there has been indorsed on it by a German official a statement, under seal, of the expulsion from Prussian territory of Mr. Weiler. It may be remarked that the cause or ground of expulsion does not appear, but it is said to be on account of his religion. No question, however, is now raised on that head.

The indorsement referred to has so impaired the value of the passport, not only in other parts of Germany, but everywhere else, that Mr. Weiler has been compelled to take out a new one.

The undersigned respectfully requests that his excellency will cause such directions to be given as to prevent in the future the making by any German official upon an American passport of any indorsement or statement except a vise, and avails himself, etc.,

Theodore Runyon
[Subinclosure in No. 355.]

Passport No. 6289, issued by the Department of State, Washington, D. C., on January 2, 1894, to Jacob Malin Weiler, upon which was indorsed:


“Expelled from Prussian territory by direction of the Royal Government president at Frankfort on the Oder, of March 27, 1894.