Mr. Uhl to Mr. Runyon.

No. 231.]

Sir: In connection with your No. 178, of December 20, 1894, concerning the case of August Junge, who is now undergoing imprisonment at Hameln, Germany, for desertion, I inclose copies of two letters from his brother Henry, dated New York, the 22d ultimo and 13th instant, and copy of the Department’s reply of the 25th instant.1 Mr. Junge contends that the offense of desertion was not committed prior to his brother’s departure from Germany, but consisted exclusively in the fact of his emigration.

Although the Department, as you will perceive, was unable to accept the distinction made by Mr. Henry Junge, it promised, in view of his allegation that in any case the prosecution was barred by the statute of limitations, to instruct you to inquire whether that statute was raised or passed upon at his brother’s trial, and whether anything could be accomplished by now raising the point in August Junge’s behalf.

A report of this feature of the case is awaited.

I am, etc.,

Edwin F. Uhl, Acting Secretary.
  1. Inclosures not printed.