Mr. Adee to Baron Saurma.
Washington, April 22, 1895.
Excellency: Referring to this Department’s note of the 5th ultimo, in relation to the participation of this Government in the ceremonies attending the opening of the Northern Baltic Canal in June next, I have the honor to apprise you of the receipt of a letter of the 18th instant from the Secretary of the Navy; in which he states that in addition to the San Francisco and Marblehead, the U. S. ships New York and Columbia will proceed to Kiel with the squadron, under the command of Rear-Admiral W. A. Kirkland. The New York will be under the command of Capt. R. D. Evans, and the Columbia of Capt. G. W. Sumner.
Rear-Admiral Kirkland has been instructed to place himself, early in June, in communication with the German Government, through the United States ambassador at Berlin, with a view to his communicating directly with the German admiral in command of the combined fleet and the naval review.
Accept, etc.,
Acting Secretary.