Mr. Jackson to Mr. Olney.

No. 326.]

Sir: Respectfully referring to the embassy’s dispatch, No. 230, of March 21, 1895, I have the honor to inform you that in yesterday’s issue (No. 154) of the official Berliner Correspondenz attention was [Page 505] called to the American regulations of February 7 last regarding the inspection of meat intended for export, copies of which were transmitted to the foreign office by the embassy in March last. After showing what these regulations are the article goes on to say that “hereafter, in consequence of them, in accordance with the Imperial order of September 3, 1891, and of the regulations of February 7, 1895, referred to, hog products and sausages of American origin will be allowed to be imported into the Empire only when the shipments are accompanied by the designated special certificates.”

I have, etc.,

John B. Jackson