Mr. Jackson to Mr. Olney.

No. 331.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith a clipping, with translation, from this morning’s issue of the National Gazette of this city, showing what regulations are now in force regarding the importation of cattle and meat products into Germany, and am, sir,

Your obedient servant,

John B. Jackson
[Inclosure in No. 331.—Translation.]

Extract from the National Zeitung, Berlin, August 9, 1895.

The following compilation as to the veterinary police measures in order to prevent the introduction of cattle diseases is published at official instigation:

In general, all four-footed animals arriving for importation from foreign countries are, at the time of their crossing the frontier, subjected, at the expense of the importer, to a veterinary inspection, and if at that time they prove to be afflicted with a contagious disease they are sent back.

As regards special measures, the importation and transit from Russia of beef cattle, sheep, hogs, and goats, as well as of fresh beef, mutton, and goat’s meat, is forbidden. At certain slaughterhouses in Prussian cities situated on the frontier, hogs may be brought to be butchered immediately.

The importation from Austria-Hungary of beef cattle, sheep, and hogs is forbidden. Beef cattle from districts where pulmonary, diseases are not to be found, provided that they do not come from Galicia or the states, with the exception of Salzburg, which border on south Germany, may be imported for butchering at the slaughterhouses of several German cities. The passage of sheep through Germany is allowed. Animals intended to be used as beasts of burden, etc., or for breeding purposes may, as an exception, be allowed to come into the country upon special permission. The importation of horses is confined to certain designated stations.

The importation from Roumania, Servia, and Bulgaria of hogs, sheep, goats, and fresh mutton is forbidden. The presidents of the governments on the coast of the North Sea are authorized to prohibit the transit to the sea of ruminating cattle from Roumania. Fresh beef may not be imported from Roumania.

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The importation and transit from Italy of beef cattle, sheep, hogs, and goats is forbidden by those Federal States concerned.

The importation from France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, and from Great Britain and Ireland of ruminating cattle and hogs is also forbidden. As regards Denmark specially, the importation of beef cattle and hogs to slaughterhouses situated in ports on the North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts for butchering may be permitted.

Lean cattle from Jutland may, under conditions and after a quarantine of seven days, be admitted, and so may, under conditions, lean sheep from Iceland. Also from England, with special permission, single sheep and hogs may be brought into the country for breeding purposes.

Beef cattle and fresh beef can not be imported from America. Sheep and horses may be subjected to suitable observation by the president of the government at the place of landing. Hog products must be accompanied by a certificate showing that they have undergone the required inspection.

As for Africa, finally, it is ordered that beef cattle are to be subjected to a quarantine of four weeks—in the case of that imported by ships, at the place of landing; in the case of that imported by rail, at the place of destination.