Mr. Runyon to Mr. Olney.

No. 390.]

Sir: I have the honor to append hereto, on the overleaf, a copy of a telegram received by me from the State Department yesterday, 13th instant,1 in regard to the case of Mr. Louis Stern, and to report that on the receipt thereof I immediately requested and obtained an interview with Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, Imperial secretary of state for foreign affairs on the subject.

He expressed the opinion that the proper course to be pursued in the matter would be for Mr. Stern to make application personally by telegram, or through his legal counsel in Bavaria, to the Bavarian minister of justice for the desired postponement or grant of further time to appear for execution of sentence, giving reasons therefor, on which the grant could be based. I judged from his conversation that he was of opinion that such application would probably be successful if made at once. I thereupon telegraphed to you an account of my action. On the same day, and without delay, I wrote to Dr. M. Bernstein, of Munich, one of the legal counsel of Mr. Stern, on the subject of making such application.

I have, etc.,

Theodore Runyon
  1. See ante, p. 485.