Mr. Runyon to Mr. Olney.
Berlin, January 19, 1896. (Received February 1.)
Sir: Referring to my dispatches, No. 432, of December 18 last, and No. 445, of the 5th instant, I have the honor to inform you that I am to-day in receipt of a note from Baron von Marschall, the Imperial secretary for foreign affairs, in which I am informed that certain documents which had been transmitted by me to him on December 14, relating to the case of the New York Life Insurance Company, had been communicated to the new Prussian minister of the interior, and that Baron von der Recke, the minister in question, had in his reply stated that he intended without delay to reconsider the matter of the withdrawal from Prussia of the three American life insurance companies.
Under these circumstances it seems to me to be advisable not to transmit, for the present at least, to Prince Hohenlohe, the chancellor of the Empire, the letter from the insurance commissioner of the State of Connecticut, which was inclosed with your instruction of the 3d instant (No. 510), received yesterday.
I have, etc.,