Legation of the United States,
Petropolis, January 1, 1895.
(Received Jan. 25.)
No. 329.]
I have, etc.
[Inclosure in No.
Dr. Carvalho to
Mr. Thompson.
Ministry of Foreign Relations,
Rio de Janeiro, December 31, 1894.
I have duly received the note which Mr. Thomas L. Thompson, envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the United States of
America, was pleased to address to me on the 18th instant, informing
me of the maltreatment, by soldiers of the State of Santa Catharina,
of three sailors from the schooner Isaiah K.
Stetson, one of whom has since died, and requesting that
steps might be taken to secure the speedy punishment of the guilty
On the receipt of the aforesaid note, I requested the president of
that State to report immediately, not only concerning the facts, but
also concerning the action taken with a view to bringing the accused
parties to justice.
The president confirms the report of the occurrence in question,
which is deeply regretted by the Federal Government, and states that
it took place during a street brawl in the vicinity of a drinking
saloon and house of prostitution. The police authorities examined
the injuries
[Page 54]
of the wounded
men and took measures to discover their assailants, as they are
still unknown, and it has been impossible to secure any
Meanwhile the search is continued, and I shall hasten to bring its
result to the knowledge of the minister.
I have, etc.,