Mr. Thompson to Mr. Olney.

No. 415.]

Sir: I have much pleasure in informing you that the National Congress has passed a resolution authorizing the refund of the duties collected on American merchandise in contravention of the commercial arrangement between the United States and Brazil of January 31, 1891.

The resolution has been sanctioned and promulgated by the President, as you will observe from the inclosed copy.

I have, etc.,

Thos. L. Thompson
[Inclosure in No. 415.—Translation.]

Decree No. 299—30th of September, 1895.

Authorizes the opening of a supplementary credit of 1,700,000$000 to the article “Reposiçōes and restituiçōes,” article 7, No. 29, of the law No. 266, December 24, 1894.

I, the President of the Republic of the United States of Brazil, make known that the National Congress decrees and I sanction the following resolution:

  • Article 1. The Government is authorized to open for the department of the treasury a supplementary credit of 1,700,000$000 ($357,000) to the section “Reposçōies and restituiçōes” of the current appropriation law, article 7, No, 29, of law No. 266, of December 24, 1894, not only to return the expediente duties collected by the custom-houses on American merchandise entitled to free admission under the respective (commercial) arrangement, but as well to give execution to article 9, line 3, of the cited law, and further to dispose of reclamations from the States until the end of the present fiscal year.
  • Article 2. All provisions to the contrary are revoked.

  • Prudente J. de Moraes Barros.
  • Francisco de Paula Rodrigues Alves.