Mr. Waller to Mrs. Waller.
Dear Wife: Your letter of December 30 was received by me several days after it reached this town, as it is necessary for correspondence to be seen by the proper authorities here before delivered.
This as a matter of course causes some delay in the prompt reception of letters.
I am sadly disappointed and heartsick at the contents of your letter, but am sure that you have done all in your power to succeed with the [Page 384] business intrusted to your care. I can not understand, however, your writing me on December 30 that you had failed, and our Faravhatra friend writes under same date that you had succeeded, and that you would write me how it all happened at an unexpected moment. This letter was directed by Minnie, who certainly knew whether it stated the truth or not, and who certainly would not have allowed it to come to me without correction, if it did not state a fact. Therefore I hope that the letter of our friend was written and mailed after yours, as the consul is still awaiting the arrival of your final response from Antananarivo, which we expect about the 20th of this month. You may always address me here until otherwise instructed by me. In sending letters to you I will have to send to you direct, as that will be more satisfactory to the authorities here; therefore you had better arrange to have your mail delivered to you in the country.
I send you an order for $30 on P. A. & Co., as there is no other source through which I could send it. I also send the power of attorney called for, and remind you at the same time that I sent your passports through the French naval authorities on December 22, 1894.
I only wish that you could have sent me the amount of money which you mentioned having on hand December 15, 1894. It would have greatly aided me; but as you have worked for four months in a vain effort to collect the money, I can not ask you to do more, though I hope that the amount is now en route, and that it will soon reach this place. The watch which Mr. Dublin gave me for John is a very good one indeed. I would like to write more fully to you of matters relative to family affairs, but as I have already informed you, the correspondence must be seen by an official assigned for that purpose; therefore we must defer writing of private affairs. I have already cautioned you to hold yourself aloof from all political and other matters pertaining to the present difficulty between the Government of the Republic of France and that of the Hovas. This is the position assumed by our Government, and Americans will be expected to observe the same attitude.
I send love to you and the children, and may we not hope that Providence will kindly favor us and again bring us together?
Remember me kindly to all friends. Paul and I have been called to the United States consulate to sit as assessors in the case of Mr. Lyons. Will write you all about it when case is finished. Hoping to hear from you favorably and soon,
I am, as ever, your husband,