Mr. Ewing to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Brussels, June 14, 1895.
(Received June 27.)
No. 128.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the
receipt of your dispatch No. 130, instructing me to express to the
Belgian Government the gratification with which Venezuela would receive
a new minister from Belgium and the interest that American Republic
feels in strengthening and making permanent the cordial ties that unite
the two peoples.
[Page 42]
In reply to the communication I addressed on the subject to the Belgian
minister of foreign affairs, I have just received a note, of which I
herewith inclose a copy and a translation into English.
As will be seen, the Belgian Government, having experienced on the part
of Venezuela the same treatment as France, wishes to consult with that
Republic as to its action in the matter.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. de Burlet
to Mr. Ewing.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Brussels, June 13,
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your excellency’s note, dated the 6th of
this month, by which you are so kind as to inform me of the desire
expressed by the Government of Venezuela to see the United States
employ its good offices in reestablishing relations between
Venezuela and Belgium.
The representative of France having been treated in the same manner
as the agent of Belgium, the Government of the King wishes in the
first place to have an understanding with that of the French
Republic. Moreover, it is awaiting the speedy arrival of M.
Ledeganck, its consul-general chargé d’affaires at Caracas, who, for
family reasons, was not able to leave that city as soon as the
Marquis Ripert Monchar, envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of France.
Be so kind as to accept, etc.,