I transmit herewith the translation of a communication which I have just
received from the independent State of the Congo, by which its territory
is specifically bounded and described.
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Eetvelde to
Mr. Ewing.
Brussels, January 17,
Mr. Minister: I have the honor to bring to
the knowledge of your excellency that the condition of neutrality
which was the object of the declaration notified to the powers by
the independent State of the Congo on the 1st day of August, 1885,
will be applied henceforth to the territory of the State bounded as
follows, in consequence of the protocol of the 29th day of April,
1887, and of the arrangement of the 14th day of August, 1894,
concluded with the French Republic, of the conventions concluded the
25th day of May, 1891, and of the declarations signed the 24th day
of March, 1894, with the Government of His Very Faithful Majesty,
and of the arrangement concluded on the 12th day of May, 1894, with
the British Government:
On the north.
A straight line 950 meters long, beginning at a point on the beach of
the Atlantic Ocean 300 meters to the north of the principal house of
the Dutch factory of Lunga, the latitude of this point being 5° 47ʹ
14.31ʺ south, and joining in the direction southeast the mouth of
the small river of Lunga, which empties into the lagoon of the same
name; the course of the small river of Lunga to the pool of
Mallongo, the villages of Congo, N’Conde, Tema, etc., remaining to
the Independent State of the Congo, those Cabo-Lombo, McVenho Tabe,
Ganzy, Taly, Spita-Gagandjime, N’Goio, M’To, Fortalisa, Sokki, etc.,
to Portugal; the course of the rivers Venzo and Lulofe to the source
of the latter on the watershed of the mountain Nime-Tchiama, the
geographical coordinates of this source being latitude south 5° 44ʹ
19.60ʺ, longitude east of Greenwich 12° 17ʹ 25.28ʺ; the parallel of
the source to its intersection with the meridian of the confluence
of the Lueulla and of the river called by some N’Zanze, and by
others Culla-Calla, the coordinates of this confluence being
latitude south 5° 10ʹ 49.30ʺ, longitude east of Greenwich 12° 32ʹ
6.60ʺ; the meridian thus determined, to its junction with the river
Lueulla; the course of the Lueulla to its confluence with the
Chiloanga (Loango-Luce); the river Chiloanga from the mouth of the
Lueulla to its most northern source; the dividing crest of the
waters of the Niadi-Knilon and of the Congo to beyond the meridian
of Manyanga; a line to be determined and which, following as much as
possible a natural division of the land, shall terminate between the
station of Manyanga and the cataract of Ntombo-Mataka, in a point
situated on the navigable part of the river;1 the Congo to
[Page 39]
the mediate
line of Stanley-Pool; the Congo to the confluence of the Oubanghi;
the thalweg of the Oubanghi to the confluence of the M’Bomon and of
the Ouelle; the thalweg of the M’Bomon to its source; a straight
line intersecting the crest of the watershed between the basins of
the Congo and of the Nile.1
On the northeast.
The crest of the watershed between the waters of the Nile and of the
Congo to its intersection with the thirtieth meridian east of
Greenwich (27° 40ʹ Paris); the prolongation of the same crest to its
second intersection with the above-named thirtieth meridian east of
On the east.
The thirtieth degree of longitude east of Greenwich to latitude 1°
20ʹ south; a straight line from the intersection of the thirtieth
degree of east longitude with the parallel of 1° 20ʹ of south
latitude to the northern extremity of Lake Tanganika; the mediate
line of Lake Tanganika; a line extending directly from the extremity
of Cape Akaluga, on Lake Tanganika, situated at the most northern
point of Camarons Bay, in about latitude 8° 15ʹ south, to the
right-hand shore of the river Luapula, at the point where this river
leaves Lake Moero; from this point a line extending directly to the
mouth of the Luapula River in Lake Moero, this line, however,
deviating toward the south of the lake so as to leave the island of
Kilura to Great Britain; the thalweg of the Luapula to the point
where this river leaves Lake Bangwelo; the meridian of longitude, in
a southern direction, passing through this point to the crest of the
watershed between the Congo and the Zambesi.
On the south.
The crest of the watershed of the Congo and of the Zambesi to the
source of that one of the affluents of the Kassai which takes its
rise in Lake Dilolo; the course of this affluent from its source to
its mouth; the thalweg of the Kassai to the parallel of 7° 17ʹ south
latitude; the parallel of 7° 17ʹ south latitude to its intersection
with the thalweg of the Chikapa; the thalweg of the Chikapa River to
its intersection with the parallel of 6° 45ʹ south latitude; the
parallel of 6° 45ʹ south latitude to its intersection with the
thalweg of the Lovna; the thalweg of the Lovna to its intersection
with the seventh degree of south latitude;
[Page 40]
the seventh degree of south latitude to its
intersection with the thalweg of the Loanque; the thalweg of the
Loanque to the confluence of the Kangulungu or Kame-Bomba with the
Loanque; the thalweg of the Kangulungu to its intersection with the
parallel of the confluence of the Kwilu and of the Luita (7° 34ʹ
south latitude, approximately); this parallel to the confluence of
the Kwilu and of the Luita; the thalweg of the Luita from the
junction of its waters with the Kwilu to the eighth degree of south
latitude; the eighth degree of south latitude to its intersection
with the thalweg of the Kwengo; the thalweg of the Kwengo to its
intersection with the parallel of 7° 55ʹ south latitude; the
parallel of 7° 55ʹ south latitude to the thalweg of the Lucaia; the
thalweg of the Lucaia to the eighth degree of south latitude; the
eighth degree of south latitude to the thalweg of the Kamanguna, the
river by which the waters of the river Lue enter into the N’Kombo;
the thalweg of the Kamanguna and of the N’Kombo to its junction with
the Uovo; the thalweg of the Uovo to its outlet in the Wamba; the
thalweg of the Wamba from the mouth of the Uovo to its intersection
with the parallel of the point of junction between the Komba and of
the Lola (8ʹ west of the Wamba and 8° 5ʹ 40ʺ of south latitude,
approximately); the thalweg of the canal by which flow the waters of
the Lola to its intersection with the thalweg of the Tungila; the
thalweg of the Tungila to its mouth on the Kwango (8° 7ʹ 40ʺ south
latitude, approximately); the thalweg of the Kwango to its
intersection with the parallel passing through the residence of
Noki; the parallel passing through the residence of Noki (latitude
south 5° 52ʹ 10.14ʺ, longitude agreed upon east of Greenwich 13° 28ʹ
25.25ʺ), from the Kwango to a point taken on this parallel 2,000
meters east of the left shore of the Congo; a straight line joining
this last point to the point of intersection of the left bank of the
Congo with the parallel passing 100 meters north of the principal
house of the factory of Domingos de Lonza at Noki; this parallel to
its intersection with the mean line of the channel of navigation
generally followed by vessels of great draft; this mean line to the
mouth of the Congo River, a line which at present leaves to the
right and comprised between this line and the right shore of the
river, especially and among others, the river islands named
Bulambemba Mateba and Princes Island, and to the left and comprised
between this line and the left shore of the river, especially and
among others, the river islands known under the names of Bulicoco
and the islands of Sacran Ambaca.
On the west.
The Atlantic Ocean from the point of termination in the sea of the
mean line above described and the point situated 300 meters north of
the principal house of the Dutch factory of Lunga.
I seize, etc.,